One mother's mission to change the world

for all children

Looking for your purpose?

You've come to the right place 

The Positive Motherhood Project Ltd

We are a UK limited company with a vision of a better, more compassionate, emotionally-connected world for all children to grow up and grow old in.

One mother's promise to her children

"Mummy, I can do it all by myself now, look!"

This was the enthusiastic greeting I received by my grinning toddler one summer's morning as I walked into our living room to find he had successfully half-dressed himself (albeit a little twisted in places).

I was just about the flash a smile back and respond when I noticed his demeanour had suddenly changed.

His wide smile had disappeared. He came to stand next to me. His warm body leaning into my leg; his head resting gently on my thigh.

In a soft voice he whispered: "But, Mummy, I'll always need you. Always. Always."

And in that very moment, as I knelt down to hold my dear sweet child, I made a quiet promise to the universe.

I promised that I would always do whatever it took to help my children find their way in life and I promised to do whatever I could to build a better world for them - and all children - to grow up and grow old in.

Always. Always. 

Angharad Davies

Founder of The Positive Motherhood Project Ltd

Our book

Sharing stories of life meaning

Answering the question "What one life meaning would you love your child to learn from you?", over sixty mums shared their personal stories of life meanings, values and beliefs.

   And every single penny of the profits from book sales go to funding grassroots projects tackling children's emotional well-being.  

I imagine a world where...

Those who have nothing, have it all.
Those who have it all, truly live their all.
And we all turn our good luck into a gift for others.

Limited Company Registration Number: 13163486

Britannia House, Caerphilly Business Park, Van Rd, Caerphilly CF83 3GG